Source code for soapy.SCI

# Copyright Durham University and Andrew Reeves
# 2014

# This file is part of soapy.

#     soapy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.

#     soapy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.

#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with soapy.  If not, see <>.

import numpy
import scipy.optimize as opt

import aotools

from . import AOFFT, logger, lineofsight, numbalib, interp
DTYPE = numpy.float32
CDTYPE = numpy.complex64

[docs]class PSF(object): def __init__(self, soapyConfig, nSci=0, mask=None): self.soapy_config = soapyConfig self.config = self.sciConfig = self.soapy_config.scis[nSci] self.simConfig = soapyConfig.sim # Get some vital params from config self.sim_size = self.soapy_config.sim.simSize self.pupil_size = self.soapy_config.sim.pupilSize self.sim_pad = self.soapy_config.sim.simPad self.fov = self.config.FOV self.threads = self.soapy_config.sim.threads self.telescope_diameter = self.nx_pixels = self.config.pxls self.fov_rad = self.config.FOV * numpy.pi / (180. * 3600) self.setMask(mask) self.thread_pool = numbalib.ThreadPool(self.threads) self.FOVPxlNo = int(numpy.round( self.telescope_diameter * self.fov_rad / self.config.wavelength)) self.padFOVPxlNo = int(round( self.FOVPxlNo * float(self.sim_size) / self.pupil_size) ) if self.padFOVPxlNo % 2 != self.FOVPxlNo % 2: self.padFOVPxlNo += 1 # Init line of sight - Get the phase at the right size for the FOV self.los = lineofsight.LineOfSight( self.config, self.soapy_config, propagation_direction="down") self.scaledMask = numpy.round(interp.zoom(self.mask, self.FOVPxlNo) ).astype("int32") # Init FFT object self.FFTPadding = self.nx_pixels * self.config.fftOversamp if self.FFTPadding < self.FOVPxlNo: while self.FFTPadding < self.FOVPxlNo: self.config.fftOversamp += 1 self.FFTPadding\ = self.nx_pixels * self.config.fftOversamp "SCI FFT Padding less than FOV size... Setting oversampling to %d" % self.config.fftOversamp) self.FFT = AOFFT.FFT( inputSize=(self.FFTPadding, self.FFTPadding), axes=(0, 1), mode="pyfftw", dtype="complex64", fftw_FLAGS=(self.config.fftwFlag, "FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT"), THREADS=self.config.fftwThreads) # Convert phase in nm to radians at science wavelength self.phsNm2Rad = 2*numpy.pi/(self.sciConfig.wavelength*10**9) # Allocate some useful arrays self.interp_coords = numpy.linspace(self.sim_pad, self.pupil_size + self.sim_pad, self.FOVPxlNo).astype(DTYPE) self.interp_coords = self.interp_coords.clip(0, self.los.nx_out_pixels-1.00001) self.interp_phase = numpy.zeros((self.FOVPxlNo, self.FOVPxlNo), DTYPE) self.focus_efield = numpy.zeros((self.FFTPadding, self.FFTPadding), dtype=CDTYPE) self.focus_intensity = numpy.zeros((self.FFTPadding, self.FFTPadding), dtype=DTYPE) self.detector = numpy.zeros((self.nx_pixels, self.nx_pixels), dtype=DTYPE) # Calculate ideal PSF for purposes of strehl calculation self.los.phase[:] = 1 self.calcFocalPlane() self.bestPSF = self.detector.copy() self.psfMax = self.bestPSF.max() self.longExpStrehl = 0 self.instStrehl = 0
[docs] def setMask(self, mask): """ Sets the pupil mask as seen by the WFS. This method can be called during a simulation """ # If supplied use the mask if numpy.any(mask): self.mask = mask else: self.mask = self.pupil_size/2., self.sim_size, )
[docs] def calcFocalPlane(self): ''' Takes the calculated pupil phase, scales for the correct FOV, and uses an FFT to transform to the focal plane. ''' numbalib.bilinear_interp( self.los.phase, self.interp_coords, self.interp_coords, self.interp_phase, self.thread_pool, bounds_check=False) self.EField_fov = numpy.exp(1j * self.interp_phase) * self.scaledMask # Get the focal plan using an FFT self.FFT.inputData[:self.FOVPxlNo, :self.FOVPxlNo] = self.EField_fov self.focus_efield = AOFFT.ftShift2d(self.FFT()) # Turn complex efield into intensity numbalib.abs_squared(self.focus_efield, out=self.focus_intensity) # Bin down to detector number of pixels numbalib.bin_img(self.focus_intensity, self.config.fftOversamp, self.detector) # Normalise the psf self.detector /= self.detector.sum()
[docs] def calcInstStrehl(self): """ Calculates the instantaneous Strehl, including TT if configured. """ if self.sciConfig.instStrehlWithTT: self.instStrehl = self.detector[self.sciConfig.pxls // 2, self.sciConfig.pxls // 2] / self.detector.sum() / self.psfMax else: self.instStrehl = self.detector.max() / self.detector.sum() / self.psfMax
[docs] def calc_wavefronterror(self): """ Calculates the wavefront error across the telescope pupil Returns: float: RMS WFE across pupil in nm """ res = (self.los.phase.copy() * self.mask) / self.los.phs2Rad # Piston is mean across aperture piston = res.sum() / self.mask.sum() # remove from WFE measurements as its not a problem res -= (piston*self.mask) ms_wfe = numpy.square(res).sum() / self.mask.sum() rms_wfe = numpy.sqrt(ms_wfe) return rms_wfe
[docs] def frame(self, scrns, correction=None): """ Runs a single science camera frame with one or more phase screens Parameters: scrns (ndarray, list, dict): One or more 2-d phase screens. Phase in units of nm. phaseCorrection (ndarray): Correction phase in nm Returns: ndarray: Resulting science PSF """ self.los.frame(scrns, correction=correction) self.calcFocalPlane() self.calcInstStrehl() # Here so when viewing data, that outside of the pupil isn't visible. # self.residual*=self.mask return self.detector
[docs]class singleModeFibre(PSF): def __init__(self, soapyConfig, nSci=0, mask=None): scienceCam.__init__(self, soapyConfig, nSci, mask) self.normMask = self.mask / numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(numpy.abs(self.mask)**2)) self.fibreSize = opt.minimize_scalar(self.refCouplingLoss, bracket=[1.0, self.sim_size]).x self.refStrehl = 1.0 - self.refCouplingLoss(self.fibreSize) self.fibre_efield = self.fibreEfield(self.fibreSize) print("Coupling efficiency: {0:.3f}".format(self.refStrehl))
[docs] def fibreEfield(self, size): fibre_efield = aotools.gaussian2d((self.sim_size, self.sim_size), (size, size)) fibre_efield /= numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(numpy.abs(aotools.gaussian2d((self.sim_size*3, self.sim_size*3), (size, size)))**2)) return fibre_efield
[docs] def refCouplingLoss(self, size): return 1.0 - numpy.abs(numpy.sum(self.fibreEfield(size) * self.normMask))**2
[docs] def calcInstStrehl(self): self.instStrehl = numpy.abs(numpy.sum(self.fibre_efield * self.los.EField * self.normMask))**2
# Compatability with older versions scienceCam = ScienceCam = PSF